Our Common Goal: Culture of Integrity

Integrity is a “big” word, a value regaining global prominence today out of necessity, yet efforts are gradually shifting towards a more grounded aspiration for enduring excellence through the consistent practice of integrity. However, failure to consider critical aspects in crafting and cascading organizational mission and vision statements results in sporadic activities that limit the potential favorable impact on organizational performance and personal well-being. There is an urgent need to develop the integrity discipline at the level of individuals and organizations that drives corporate cultures of excellence. On the other hand, organizations, taken as dynamic human systems, are often faced with complex conditions that compromise the practice of integrity.

What We Specialize in

Our Leadership and Team Development (LTD) programs emphasize an Integrity-based Development (ID) premised on eminent Life Guiding Principles and the integral character of human learning as a foundation for developing people-centered decision-making competencies that drive excellent action. We focus our research and interventions on opportunities that matter most to our clients, helping them excel and remain relevant, creating sustainable competitive advantage.

Our Flagship Program

Our flagship program, Values in Practice (VIP), launched in 2016, is a compendium of principle-based leadership development modules designed to meet the evolving needs of our time. We conduct the VIP as a Community of Practice, an ideal venue for practicing systems thinking and ethical decision-analysis discipline for applying principle-based values at work and in daily life.

The VIP Program runs for participants and clients within the Human Capital Vantage Partners Member Community.

Do you have any Pressing or Strategic Organizational Development Needs?

Our LTD/ID programs work best for any of the following corporate requirements:

What Our Valued Clients are Saying

We serve clients from various industries and focus on small to medium-sized projects for companies and institutions, including startups. We specially design programs to equip our Key Client Partners (HR Decision Makers, Talent Managers, Women Leaders, Owners of Small to Medium Sized Companies and Startups, and Youth Leaders). They are prime movers in promoting integrity and business excellence in their organizations and ecosystems.

We also serve other groups and individuals needing support in project teams and individual professional development.

“Values in Practice (VIP) series. I see the need for this kind of small group sessions to improve the workplace. The session did not focus on working relations among people at work; it showed the ways to make a workplace a hub to grow as an individual vis a vis others. VIP taught strategies to let the people move together towards a common Mission-Vision. Of course the hilarious visual aids effectively showed our weaknesses & discussions thereafter gave ideas how to thwart them.”

Past President
Zonta Club (Makati Ayala)
Life Coach and
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Practitioner

“I attended a VIP Seminar on Strategic Planning for Career Agility in 2016. From that session, I started to be open-minded in understanding my subordinates. I realized I need to be the one to give first in order to receive. If I want more competence in my team, I need to improve my competence. And I was surprised to see the results. We became happier working together.”

3Win Realty Development Corporation

“Professionally, I learned about the different areas I need to address to promote excellence in an organization: management, planning, customer focus, measurement and data management, workforce focus, operations focus, and business results. Personally, I came to know about the barriers to my learning, especially false concepts or models of the world.”

CSA, University of Asia and the Pacific